The Origin of Quine Streaming Graph

Quine is the open source streaming graph developed by the team at thatDot, a Portland, Oregon-based software company.

Quine was created in 2014 by Ryan Wright, founder and CEO of thatDot, after he decided that he'd rebuilt the same event processing micro service platform one too many times.

In 2015, Wright lead a team of researchers and developers on the DARPA Transparent Computing program to accelerate development and use Quine to create new capabilities for finding and stopping Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs).

The team chose a graph data structure in part because it made the joining together and processing of categorical data from multiple sources easier.

In 2022, thatDot announced an investment from Crowdstrike's Falcon Fund to continue expanding Quine's real-time graph analytics capabilities.

Quine is available both in both an enterprise and open source version and is ideal for cloud security (e.g. AWS Cloudtrail log anaylsis), XDR, anomaly detection, video observability, network observability, and fraud prevention use cases.

Learn More About Quine
Built With Years of DARPA-funded Research — and Gratitude

“We began with a non-traditional view of data processing, then built from the ground up, working our way through all the fundamental concerns endemic to distributed systems and databases. In the end, we have different trade-offs and a powerful new paradigm that better fits the needs of modern data processing.”

- Ryan Wright, Founder and CEO

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