thatDot, makers of Quine, Announces CrowdStrike Falcon Fund Investment

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We are both excited and proud to announce that CrowdStrike, through their Falcon Fund,  have made an investment in thatDot. This news comes on the heels of the release of Quine, our open source streaming graph software. The investment serves not only to validate our vision for what Quine can be, but the concrete progress we’ve made in executing on that vision.

The vision we are executing on is both simple and audacious: we see  engineers and data scientists using Quine as the central hub for high volume, real-time, complex event processing workflows at scale.

A handful of Quine queries can replace months of development time and millions in costs, eliminating the need to build complex microservices architectures that drag down and stall analysis on streaming data.

It is rare that such a revolutionary advance occurs in such an important infrastructure category. Investment from CrowdStrike and others will help thatDot scale more rapidly to meet the many applications of the platform across a large variety of use cases.

Or, as Michael Sentonas, Chief Technology Officer at CrowdStrike said:

“CrowdStrike and thatDot share a commitment to bringing speed and efficiency to data pipeline development teams through real-time, critical analysis of telemetry. The thatDot platform unlocks value for these teams, enabling them to understand and act upon massive amounts of data quickly and confidently.”

For those of you who’ve already joined the Quine community, thanks for helping us reach this important milestone. For those of you who are new to the community and to streaming graph, we want to welcome you to the adventure.