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Stateful Digital Twin
The Problem While digital twins and the emerging subcategory of asset graphs promise operators greater visibility into the relationships between IT assets and equipment under management, current approaches…
Real-Time IoB Threat Hunting
The Problem Modern threat detection requires data – lots of data – typically from multiple sources. This brings with it a number of interesting data engineering challenges, especially…
Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) Detection
The Problem Discovering advanced persistent threats (APT) is, by design, akin to finding a needle in a haystack. The threat actors behind APTs combine multiple tactics, techniques, and…
Real-time AWS CloudTrail Threat Detection
The Problem AWS CloudTrail logs are full of untapped information that can help reduce risk and improve event response times, especially when analyzed in context and in real…
Novelty Technology
Introduction: a New Approach to Anomaly Detection Anomaly detection is a technique for finding important data. Decades of research has been spent on creating tools for anomaly detection…
Webinar: Approach Zero False Positive Cyber Alerts
We would like to invite you to an exclusive webinar featuring thatDot’s CEO, Ryan Wright, and The Bloor Group CEO, Eric Kavanagh, along with Top 5 Global Cybersecurity…