Ingesting From Multiple Data Sources into Quine Streaming Graph
Ingest multiple data sources into Quine in order create a single streaming graph. ETL basics and Cypher queries are covered.
Ingest multiple data sources into Quine in order create a single streaming graph. ETL basics and Cypher queries are covered.
A step-by-step guide to ingesting data into Quine from live internet streams. ETL basics and Cypher queries are covered.
Part one in a series connecting different data producers to Quine streaming graph. Use Cypher to create ingest queries (ETL).
Quine 1.2.0 release sees significant new features, recipes, and performance enhancements.
Stop approaching streaming data the same way you do persistent data. Teach the stream to tell you when something interesting happens.
Advice and key concepts about Quine streaming graph that will accelerate your development.
When it comes to event-driven applications, graph database users require a new approach: streaming graph.
Ryan Wright (CEO of thatDot) joins Joe Reis and Matt Housley on the TGIF! Let's Talk Data live show to chat about streaming graphs.